A Mom's Perspective

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wake Up Call

It's been a hectic morning for me.
Tonight is our first home prayer/fellowship meeting.
It also happens to be The National Day Of Prayer.
I've been rushing around cleaning.
Baking and just preparing.

The laundry is piling up again and Amber and her Father
leave tomorrow for a trip.
There's no time to be wasted.
As I'm putting Banana Bread into the oven to bake.
With a long mental list of chores still to be done,
The phone rings.

It's my middle (sensitive) daughter and I can hear tears in her voice.
This is her second call this afternoon.
She just started a new job after a year of being a full time student.
She couldn't have started at a worse time. she's working at a florist shop.
Mothers Day week is more than hectic, and everyone's much too busy to train her.

"Mom" she says "Do you have anything extra I can cook for a dinner for someone?"
I'm busy and exasperated And tell her this is no time to cook for her friends!
'It's our first prayer meeting and we're having food after and I'm too busy
and I do not need a mess to clean up.
There's a girl at work she tells me who is very poor and hungry.
She goes on to tell me that she met her three year old today and he was skin and bones.
They are living in an abandoned trailer,
with no electricity and only the food they can scrounge up.

I was silenced with this information.
What good am I doing planning for prayer and
cooking food for people who most likley have already eaten dinner?
I know God would rather have me feed the poor than simply pray for them.

I realized two things, First, even though we worry as parents.
Worry that we've actually raised mature, compassionate and loving children.
I had found this truth on a very unlikely day.
Second that she had taught me a lesson and unknowingly,
rebuked me and put my day back in focus.
What good is a home group or church,
if we can't reach out to the needy and broken around us?
So she's going to take them dinner and I'm so proud of her!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! That is an amazing story. I can totally see how things like that happen and snap us back in to the reality of what's important and what's not.
Yes, you should be proud of your daughter - she is truly a kind hearted, compassionate young lady!
Prayers for her for her starting in a florist shop during Mother's Day week!

May 7, 2009 at 5:05 PM  

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