A Mom's Perspective

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Throw out the lifeline.....................

Throw out the lifeline.....................

Have you ever heard that old hymn? I grew up on it and It always conjured up images of cold seas and battered men drowning in the dark waves reaching so desperately for the lifeline. A lifeline that was in my imagination a simple utilitarian rope. Of course the rope was not really that special as were the men in the lifeboats who would pull the cold, hungry nearly dead survivor from his watery grave. I've always had a vivid imagination. Tonight as I was trying to sleep I kept hearing the words to this hymn in my heart then I realized that it was coming from me. It is the desperate cry of my heart, It is my prayer and my only hope.....Someone throw out the lifeline I pray.

Have you ever watched the climatic scene in the movie Titanic where Rose is shipwrecked? All is lost she has experienced the most horrific tragedy of her life.She has watched all she loves die and she herself is slipping away, her lips are turning blue and she has no strength left not even enough to whisper. All around her are lifeboats that are partially empty yet also all around are the sounds of men and women dying. Suddenly she grows desperate without a care for her pride and self sufficiency she summons all her courage and shakily puts a whistle to her lips and blows with all her heart,with her last breath, her last resort. all it took was for ONE of the many lifeboats to hear her...just one to throw out the lifeline and she is saved.

Do you ever wonder about the lifeboats that cold and horrible night that stayed still? What did they fear? did they fear that throwing out the lifeline would cost them too much? I'm sure they were afraid that it might cause them to sink it might make them unstable or cause a shift that might topple them.All I do know is that all it took to answer that desperate cry was one lifeboat of strong, loving and caring hands that threw out the rope and then pulled her to safety.

It's not very "spiritual" to admit you need a lifeline today, to confess that you are sinking and need your brothers and sisters to rescue you. It's uncomfortable and makes you appear needy and desperate.
But aren't we all desperate without the lighthouse and the community of lifeboats patrolling the shores of our life? Haven't we all been shipwrecked at one time or another? Why are we so afraid to sound the call for help?

I don't know if you are another soul that is being tossed by the storms of life or if you are my brothers and sisters in the lifeboats but if you are shipwrecked put the whistle to your lips and blow with all your might and if you are so fortunate to already be in that lifeboat will you please throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, someone is sinking today........

lyrics: Edwin Smith Ufford\
Music: Edwin Smith Ufford

Played by Jerry in the JGB with Melvin Seals. Based on a hymn by Edwn Smith Ufford, apparently written after observing a lifesaving drill at Point Alllerton near Boston, Massachusetts in 1888.
Throw out the life line
Throw out the life line
Someone is drifting away
Throw out the life line
Throw out the life line
Someone is sinking today

Throw out the life line
Across the dark water
There is a brother that someone could save
Somebody's brother needs help today


Throw out the life line
With hands big and strong
Why do you tempt me
Why must you wait so long
You see me sinking
Hasten today
Throw out the life line
I'm drifting away


Throw out the life line
Danger from man
Someone's in trouble
Do the best you can
Ain't in temptation
Pillars of woe
Throw out the life line
When darkness takes over


Blogger Morgan Owens said...

I'm not sure why you are feeling this way but I'm so very sorry. I hope you find peace in your heart, and a "lifeline"..whatever it may be. Even if it's just a hug. Thinking of you!

September 9, 2009 at 1:05 PM  
Blogger A Moms Perspective said...

Thank you Morgan :D
hugs are welcome...

September 9, 2009 at 7:50 PM  

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